Building consensus and increasing collaboration with our partner jurisdictions was a hallmark of my tenure on ACHD and I would bring the same approach to the Eagle City Council. I am proud to have earned the following endorsements from local leaders and organizations.
- Speaker Mike Moyle, Idaho House of Representatives
- Ada County Sheriff Matthew Clifford – “One candidate I have chosen to publicly endorse is Mary May and her race for a seat on the Eagle City Council. Regardless of any position she was seeking I would be supportive of Mary May, as I have found her to be an intelligent and benevolent leader in our community. Mary May is also a person that is always willing to listen, and most importantly, a voice of reason and collaboration in a political climate that turns its head to anyone with conflicting opinions. I wish her the best of luck in her race to the Council.”
- Ada County Prosecutor Jan Bennetts
- Ada County Commissioner Rod Beck
- Former Eagle Mayor Nancy Merrill
- Eagle Planning & Zoning Commissioner Diane McLaughlin
- Former Eagle Fire Chief & Former Eagle Fire Commissioner Dan Friend
- Dr. Bert Glandon, former College of Western Idaho President
- Fraternal Order of Police – Treasure Valley Lodge #11
- Code 3 to 1 (retired law enforcement)
- Legislative District 14 Republican Party (Read More)
- ConservativesOf: Eagle (Read More)
- Idaho Pastors’ Legislative Advisory Council (Read More)
- Boise Regional REALTORS® – “Candidates must demonstrate a deep knowledge and understanding of housing, growth, and transportation issues important to REALTORS® and property owners. We feel the candidates we’re endorsing meet those qualifications and understand the importance of private property rights, managing growth, and the crucial role REALTORS® play in the local economy and community.” -Debbi Myers, Boise Regional REALTORS® 2023 President (Read More)
- BCASWI – The Building Contractors Association of Southwestern Idaho is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the responsible development of our community.